% This file was created with JabRef 2.5b2. % Encoding: Cp1252 @TECHREPORT{anthes09space, author = {Christoph Anthes and Philipp Aumayr and Clemens Birklbauer and Roland Hackl and Marlene Hochrieser and Roland Hopferwieser and Simon Opelt and Christoph Payrhuber and Mika Satomi and Stefan Simmer and Georg Stevenson and Roland Landertshamer and Bernhard Lehner and Marina Lenger and Martin Lenzelbauer and Clemens Mock and Alexander Wilhelm}, title = {Space Trash -- Development of a Networked Immersive Virtual Reality Installation}, institution = {Institut f{\"u}r Graphische und Parallele Datenverarbeitung, Johannes Kepler University Linz}, year = {2009}, number = {TR-GUP-01-09}, month = {June}, abstract = {Virtual Reality (VR) and new media art are two topics that have always been closely intertwined.VR as an ideal tool to stimulate the users sense in order to create immersion and presence, and new media art using this technology form a natural symbiosis in order to foster creativity and circulate ideas. By combining three different groups from the areas of VR software development, interface design and 3D modeling a development process was established in order to design and create a VR application using novel input devices. The Space Trash game was developed to demonstrate the capabilities of VR technology, software aspects of Networked Virtual Environments (NVEs), design considerations of novel input devices as well as modeling approaches for real-time 3D objects. In this report the development of this interactive stereoscopic installation, which combines aspects from game, interface and visual design as well as VR software engineering, is presented. This document will in detail describe the previously mentioned approaches and design aspects.}, owner = {canthes}, timestamp = {2008.11.18} } @comment{jabref-meta: selector_publisher:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_author:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_journal:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_keywords:}